
RunCLE training update- Know when to fold 'em

As the great Kenny Rogers says
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

Most of the time i just run,
i go to the gym at lunch pretty much every day and just bust it out, no questions
but this week...
it wasn't great
I think i was run down from the hustle and bustle of last weekend and possibly on the verge of getting sick and it just wasn't happening for me
On Wednesday, i got to the gym and forgot pants (never a great look)
And Thursday thru Saturday, i folded,
i just listened to my body, didnt push it, and got some good quality rest

Last week:
40 min-
4.0 mi
TBT class
no pants :(
But, im happy to report that today was great!
I got in a little over 7 miles with  my running buddy in the snow. It was chilly, but kind of perfect to run in and if felt AWESOME!

So, don't beat yourself up if you need a few extra days to rest and then you will come back even stronger!

Always remember what Kenny says,
Know when to fold 'em
and Know when to run!

Do you guys feel guilty taking more rest breaks than your training calls for? Am I the only one? I sure hope not!

If you want to follow my training you can find me on facebookinstagrambloglovin, and even twitter!


RunCLE training update- Intervals rock and a new nephew

This was a super exciting week

Not just with training, but my sister had a baby!!!
You have to let me gush about this cutie for just a moment!
Erin is a ROCK STAR and was in labor almost a whole day and just in the nick of time on 1.15.15 her sweet little Mitchell was born! I was able to make it to Buffalo this weekend to spend some quality time with the adorable new family of four :) I even got to take Kenzie to tap class, I don't think I have ever been so excited! Baby Mitchell is the sweetest little guy, with a whole head of hair and a super chill demeanor. I'm already counting down the days until I can go back to visit. Are they not the cutest?

Last week was my second full week of training and my first week on the Jenny Hatfield program. It was my first week that I ran to the minutes instead of the miles and I have to say, I kind of LOVED it!  It rocked. It let me focus on the time and let the miles take care of themselves. I did intervals on my 2 weekday runs and it made the time go by so fast.

I started with a 5 minute warm-up at a 6 on the treadmill and then bumped it up to a 7 for 3 in, then 1 minute at 6, then 3 at 7.1, and another at 6, I kept going up until I hit 7.5 and needed a walk break. On Thursday I did something similar where I did the same warm-up and then starting at 7 increased the level each minute. 1 minute at 7, next minute at 7.1, and so on until I got to 8 and then decreased each minute. The decrease was the hard part for me, but again the workout went fast and I was a little over 4 miles each run and that felt rock star to me! 

On Tuesday and Thursday I went to my normal Total Body Toning class, the class is weights with some cardio and its always a little different and I LOVE it!

I moved my long run to Friday because of my trip to the Buff. It felt good on Friday and I actually felt like I could have kept on going. I kept it at a good even pace. Getting into this week taking two days off was harder than I thought, but I also think focusing on getting a better nights rest would really benefit me.

 Last week:
40 min-
4.1 mi
TBT class
40 min-
4.1 mi
Out of town
Out of town
How is training going for you guys? Anyone else training for their first full? You veteran marathon runners, what tips do you have for us beginners?

If you want to see more baby Mitchell pics, or pics of my awesome boys follow me on facebook, instagram, bloglovin, and even twitter!


Getting a plan

As of today we are 18 weeks away from the marathon (holy crap!), and i have been hemming and hawing on how the heck in actually going to do this!

Generally, I run Monday, Friday, and one long weekend run, and go to Total Body Toning on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm lucky to have access to an amazing gym right across the street from work- Summa. With an almost hour commute to work and two busy boys at home, i make the most of my lunch hour and spend most of my break time sweating it out and rushing back across the street to get back to work. But, it works for me and otherwise, i know i would never make the time.

I have looked at lots of training plans and i just couldn't commit. Some seemed like too much and some seemed like i would be re-inventing my training wheel. Then my running guru at work (hi Tim!) suggested that i look at the official marathon training plan (duh!). So i did (double duh) and guess what??? Coach Jenny Hadfield's plan really seemed to fit the bill perfectly! Her plan has me running M/W/F/Sa and cross training T/Th which is right in line with my current plan that im already doing, so it works perfect. I also like that her plan is based on minutes as opposed to miles. There will be some days that ill run at lunch and then come home and run the rest of the minutes that i cant fit into my lunch break, but that will work and now that i have a solid plan i feel better and one step closer to actually doing this! You can check out Coach Jenny's plans here. Ill be following the beginner marathon program.

I also need to note that i am not an expert in any way, shape or form. Ill do what works for me in the time that i have and learning A LOT along the way!  I'm sure i will need to make some tweaks and adjustments based around life. If you have any tips for a first time marathoner, im all ears!

My first official in training week went well! This week i ran 6 on Sunday, 3 on Monday, Total body toning on Tuesday and Thursday, 3 on Friday, and a little over 6 on Saturday! I also had some gift cards from Christmas so i got some new gear too!  Nothing gets me more excited to have some new gear to run in!

So here we go week 3 on my new Coach Jenny plan! (her plan is 20 weeks out and i got on board 2 weeks late, but yay! week 3 sounds better anyway!)
Im excited to have a plan, excited to have some new gear to test out, and excited to get at it!
What are you guys excited about this week?

Also, check out the officialness of this!!!

Keep following me and let me know how you are doing!  We are all in this together and i feel so lucky to get to vocalize where this training journey takes me. Last year i started following some of the official bloggers and it got me so motivated, so if i can motivate just one person out there, then i'd would be pretty excited!

Also, stay tuned because at some point, ill get to giveaway a race entry as well!  You want to be at this race, is it so fun and if you are on the fence about doing a race, this is the one to do!!! The energy in the city is just magic! There are people everywhere and it hardly feels like a run because they keep you so so motivated!

You can find me on facebook, instagram (where i started #motiovationmonday last week), bloglovin, and even twitter!

and as my mom will tell you (or write a motivational card to you)

Happy running CLE!


starting at the beginning

today is day 1,
i have 132 training days left until my first marathon!
a WHOLE marathon, that's 26.2 miles, in one DAY!
there have been entire months that i haven't hit that mileage

i'd be lying if i said i wasn't scared out of my mind
but, i'll never know if i don't give it a shot.

a little over a year ago, i remember telling one of my running buddies at work that i'll never even consider doing a full marathon, that it wasn't even on my list of things to do in life. he is a crazy runner and has run dozens of full marathons. i just never thought i would have it in me.

when i finished my 3rd half marathon last May in Cleveland, i got bit by the bug hard!
it was the same kind of feeling you get when you are completely head over heels infatuated with someone. i just couldn't get it out of my head. i talked it over with my running buddy and she agreed that its now or never. she is going to be doing her first marathon too this year, just 2 weeks before mine, so we are lucky to be able to train the whole time together

so, it's game on!
May 17th ill be running the Cleveland Marathon 
and it really super cool because i am an official blogger for the race! so, people (maybe even you right now) can read along and see how the training is going
i'm still so excited to be picked and feel as excited as a kid before Christmas that i get to be part of a race that i just LOVE!

getting back out there today was a little rough. i did the same thing i do every holiday season. i fall off the workout wagon right about Thanksgiving and try to stay on track and then with the holiday lunches and extra errand running at work before i know it, my lunchtime workouts are slim to none the last two weeks!

but, its ok, you have to start somewhere and i feel ready
i feel strong (even if i was a little wobbly today)
and it felt SO GOOD to be out there running again
and it also helped to have some fun new running gear to test out

i'm finalizing my actual training schedule so i can share it here

ironically, i started my 2015 right in downtown Cleveland, so that has to be a sign right?

here we go Cleveland!!!

we got this!


hello 2015!

usually, i'm really excited about a new year
not because of the glittery clothes and the booze, but those help
because of the clean slate of it all
i really LOVE a good clean slate
2014 wasn't my fave,
but 2015..
i have some really big plans for you!